supports early-stage SaaS founders

on a path to rapid scale and profitability


supports early-stage SaaS founders

on a path to rapid scale and profitability

Our Mission

At SAhASra, we employ the ‘Founders First’ approach and we offer investment structures aligned with founders who want to scale their businesses rapidly.

We believe in the Indian SaaS opportunity and that with the distinct advantages that Indian SaaS founders have over their global peers, they are going to drive the next wave of growth. Sahasra aims to back them every step of the way with the required capital and other resources so that they can focus solely on scaling their businesses. To support the founders that we invest in, we put together a team that not just understands SaaS, but has a great experience in building and growing SaaS businesses.

Current Areas Of Interest


Developer & DevOps tools


Tools and platforms for remote teams


Disruption of E-commerce & Enablement of online businesses

E- Education

Online education and personal development platforms


Simplified SaaS for proven & high-growth markets

Niche B2B

Any other Niche B2B SaaS



Every single application will be reviewed by a Partner and here are the broad criteria that we follow:

  • We don’t invest in Idea Stage, Pre-Product, Pre-Launch, Pre-Revenue businesses.
  • We also don’t invest in businesses just selling at deep discounts.
  • We invest in businesses which already have a minimum sellable product and also have paying customers (other than friends and family). Ideally, the businesses should be generating an MRR of $2,000 to $10,000, though we may also invest in the ones that are doing more or less.
  • We invest in businesses focusing on customers, revenues and profitability.
  • We invest in businesses with proven and working business models.
  • We invest in founders who believe in their businesses being sustainable and profitable.

Our Process

  • We want to make sure that our process is as transparent, fast and founder-friendly as possible.

  • Within 1 week of receiving the application, we send out an indication of initial interest. We will have a call with the founders to understand more about them and their business.

  • Within a week of the first call, we will send out another indication of interest. We will have another call with the founders in which the founders can ask us anything they want.

  • Within another week of the second call, we will indicate our investment interest and propose terms. Once the terms are agreed upon, we will ask the founders to complete our Due Diligence process.

Due Diligence Check List

Sales & Marketing
Finance &other


Incorporation Certificate, AoA, MoA, PAN, GST.

Cap Table (fully diluted proforma), Details of Directors


Profiles of all key team members and corresponding agreements

Sales & Marketing

Current Sales Pipeline

List of all customers and corresponding revenue generated


Product Development Roadmap

Finances & Other

Annual Financial statements for previous two years

Monthly P&L and Balance sheet for the current year

Most recent Tax Returns

Accounts Receivable

Details of Debts/Advances/Loans/Investments

Outstanding Legal matters


Introductions to

2 Paying Customers

2 Partners, if any

2 Board Members/Investors/Advisors

2 Personal References for each founder

PoC at Accounting Firm

We usually complete our Due Diligence process within 2 weeks. It may also take a little longer based on how quickly the information is shared and how quickly the reference calls are done with. Once completed, we will complete the signing of agreements and transfer the investment amount to the company’s bank account.